St Mark Church Property Up For Sale

FOR SALE sign against The Vigil of St Mark Mural (Photo by M Read)

Asking $2 Million.

Building Type: Special Purpose
Zoning: R7
1.94 acres
9,348 sq ft floor space
40 Parking spaces
9750 SW Terwilliger Blvd.

See listing on CRA website: [LINK]

Interior Photo by CRA-NW


Under the guidance of Pastor Barbara Campbell, St Mark Church was a mainstay, engaged with the Collins View Community. Among many other things, AA meetings were offered, the holiday Messiah concert was an anticipated seasonal event, and the "Outside Inn" Christmas tree provided an opportunity to contribute welcome supplies to those in need.

For a number of years, the St.Mark Parking lot has been the Collins View Neighborhood Emergency Team (NETs) Staging Area. It is where the NETs meet to orchestrate and practice their Neighborhood disaster response activities, and where residents can congregate to get or to offer help in a drastic emergency. [LINK]

For ~30 years, until 2018, the Village Preschool occupied the lower level of the St.Mark building. [LINK]

From 2004 to 2018, the P'nai Or congregation met at St. Mark Presbyterian Church for services, celebrations, interfaith activities and classes, planted fruit trees and offered children’s and adult education programs, many social and spiritual interest groups, several life passage events each year, and regular services every week. [LINK]

For many years, the church lobby area was used on Election Day by the local precinct. Vote By Mail!

History: Coming Soon (on CV org site)

St. Mark Presbyterian Church has its roots in Lewis & Clark College, and as the Palatine Hill Presbyterian Church, met in the Copeland Memorial Chapel. In 1945, a new site was selected for the congregation. Five acres and a house were purchased at 10722 SW Boones Ferry Road at a cost of $31,100. (Really? Where was that?!?)

The church was built in 1961 with latest renovation in 2002 (Photo by St Mark)

We have an extensive history compiled by the church, and a shortened version which we will file under Churches on soon, with a LINK here.

What will become of the Church Building and Property?

The neighborhood and church communities are concerned about the fate of Vigil of St Mark mural, which is unknown at this time. Efforts have been made to find a new home for it.

An article on the mural and the artist, Estaban Camacho Steffensen, is here: [LINK]

Will the existing building be reused in some way? Might the property be re-developed for housing of some kind?

Abandoned Playground of the Village PreSchool. Photo by J Miller

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