March 1987
Bureau of Traffic Management responds to Collins View Neighborhood Association's request to consider Boones Ferry Road from Taylors Ferry Road to Terwilliger Blvd. for a Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP) project.

July 1987
Collins View Neighborhood Association unanimously voted to request a 4-way stop sign at Boones Ferry/Primrose/Palatine Hill intersections. Also requested is a SPEED ZONE AHEAD sign on Boones Ferry near Taylors Ferry and movement of the 25 MPH sign to just prior to the residential area on Boones Ferry.

August 1987
Bureau of Traffic Management responds to Collins View Neighborhood Association's requests by stating that stop sign warrants have not been met at the requested intersection, and that the sign change requests are not standard practice at such a location.

November 1987
Collins View Neighborhood Association writes to Bureau of Traffic Management expressing concern regarding the impact of the Taylors Ferry/Terwilliger reconstruction project on Boones Ferry traffic. Opposition to using Boones Ferry as a detour route is voiced, and it is requested that Boones Ferry be given consideration during the Taylors Ferry / Terwilliger project.

June 1988
Bureau of Traffic Management responds to the second Collins View Neighborhood Association neighborhood needs request regarding Boones Ferry, notifying them that the Boones Ferry request qualified for a NTMP (the project scored 80 out of a possible 100 points). However, it was not to be undertaken until completion of the Terwilliger Bridge project, which was then anticipated to be in 1989.

December 1989
The Taylors Ferry/Terwilliger reconstruction project is completed.

January 1991
Bureau of Traffic Management responds to a third neighborhood needs request from Collins View Neighborhood Association stating the project may be undertaken if there is neighborhood support.

February 1991
Collins View Neighborhood Association responds to Bureau of Traffic Management and supports undertaking Boones Ferry as a NTMP.

March 1991
Bureau of Traffic Management sends Collins View Neighborhood Association a petition to undertake a traffic management study for Boones Ferry. The petition must be signed by a majority of residents on the project street.

April 1991
Collins View Neighborhood Association returns the petition with the necessary number of signatures to proceed with the NTMP for Boones Ferry.

May 1991
Bureau of Traffic Management holds a neighborhood wide public meeting for the new Boones Ferry NTMP. The purpose of the meeting is to explain the NTMP process, and to recruit volunteers to serve on the project traffic advisory committee.

June 1991
Bureau of Traffic Management holds the first traffic advisory committee meeting. The committee voted on governing rules, identified traffic issues of concern, and then prioritized them.

July 1991
Traffic advisory committee meets to adopt the project goals and objectives. Possible solutions are discussed.

October 1991
Traffic advisory committee meets to discuss possible alternative traffic management plans. The alternatives were narrowed down, and the committee expressed an interest in diverting south-bound traffic on Boones Ferry at its intersection with Taylors Ferry.

February 1992
Traffic advisory committee meets to evaluate detailed project alternatives. The committee votes to test a south-bound semi-diverter at Boones Ferry/Taylors Ferry intersection. The committee also votes to test speed bumps when they become available.

March 1992
Traffic advisory committee votes to begin the project test in April 1992, and test through November 1992. The long test period results from other construction projects, particularly the I-5/Terwilliger Bridge project.

April 1992
Bureau of Traffic Management holds a neighborhood wide open house to inform residents about the upcoming project test. Test installed April 18th.

May 1992
First after test traffic counts taken. Review data with traffic committee.

This time line was either compiled by John Miller or the city. Unknown.